History Timeline
- 1988: ICAO create the South Atlantic group (SAT) to enhance air traffic control services provided in that region.
- 1998: The AFI Regional Group on Planning and Implementation (APIRG) agree to assign to SAT the implementation of new Air Navigation technologies,and CNS/ATM systems to be introduced between the Europe and South-America (EUR/SAM) corridor (AFI routing area AR1)
- 2000: The SAT/8 establish the tasks to be performed by the South Atlantic Regional Monitoring Agency.
- 2001: The Spanish AIC 4/01 (January 2001) informed about SATMA creation and responsibilities.
SATMA Competences
- Maintain and update the central registry of State RNP and RVSM approvals.
- Co-ordinate with other Regional Monitoring Agencies (RMAs: NAT CMA, APARMO, EUROCONTROL, and MIDMA)
- Maintain and update data and statistics about traffic counts, performance monitoring results and deviation events.
- Provide timely information on changes to the monitoring status of aircraft types.
- Spread relevant information to ICAO and SAT members for timing and extent of RVSM and other CNS/ATM applications.
- Provide a means of identifying non-RNP/RVSM approved aircraft operating in the EUR/SAM Corridor.
- Publish Minimum RVSM/RNP Monitoring Requirements for the EUR/SAM Corridor and any other information related with the CNS/ATM implementation and project.
The South Atlantic Regional Monitoring Agency (SATMA) has been set up by Spain at the ENAIRE Canary Islands Control Centre